Level 3 and 5,Dhaka Paediatric,
Neonatal and General Hospital,
House no 4/4A, Zakir Hussain Road,
Block-E, Lalmatia, Dhaka 1207
Tasmia Tahmid Breast Care service provides comprehensive management for malignant and non malignant breast conditions, with services including screening, diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, reconstructive surgery and after care, all on two sites. We are proud to work with some of the UK’s finest breast surgeons, oncologists and radiologists, supported by breast care nurses and a range of other healthcare professionals. Together, our specialised team provides patients with rapid access to a one stop clinic.
Tasmia Tahmid Breast Care has no waiting lists, giving you rapid access to all stages of the pathway.You can see a consultant almost immediately and, if your assessment shows a mass or abnormality, treatment can begin without delay.
All patients presenting with breast symptoms or if screening Mammogram indicates any need for further tests, patients will undergo clinical examination and breast imaging (with immediate reporting) during the same visit. If there is a mass or radiological abnormality, a clinical or image guided needle biopsy will also be performed.
Each patient is tracked throughout their journey by our dedicated liase co-ordinator. She provides personalised support and information to guide your appointments either in Dhaka or in London, wherever you choose.
Our team doctors are leading experts in the field of breast disease and cancer management and are teaching hospitals consultants mostly in London, Surrey and Scotland. From screening detected breast cancer lumpectomy and Sentinel lymph node biopsy to mastectomy with immediate or delayed reconstruction- our surgeons are the leading experts.
Breast surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists meet regularly online to discuss each core biopsy report and imaging to tailor best possible treatment plan for each patient.
Even with a clear mammogram, a woman with a strong family history of breast cancer may want to know about her individual risk and the implications of genetic testing. Tasmia Tahmid Breast Care, brings together world renowned specialists in the field .